The master’s degree programme in ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AND EDUCATION is a course unit in the master’s degree class LM-60. Teaching activities of the course units are organised on a semester basis.
In order to be able to take the final assessment and obtain the ECTS credits relating to each course unit, students must have attended at least 75% of the hours of classroom activities and at least 75% of the hours of laboratory or similar activities, if any, necessary for the completion of the syllabus.
The educational programme includes a first block of common course units in English, necessary to provide in-depth training in the systemic analysis of the natural environment, in all its biotic and abiotic components and their interactions. In this regard, students will acquire in-depth knowledge of Applied Statistics, Applied Ecology, Environmental Biogeography, Georesources and address current issues such as Climate Change. Subsequently, students can choose either an English-language programme aimed at exploring the themes of environmental monitoring and management (curriculum A) or an Italian programme aimed at teaching in schools or at nature communication (curriculum B).
Applied statistics for natural sciences [CFU 6]
Past climate and climate change [CFU 6]
Environmental biogeography [CFU 6]
Applied ecology and ecosystem services [CFU 6]
Georesources and geoheritage in the anthropocene [CFU 6]
Ethics and environmental economics [CFU 9]
English language B2 (productive skills) [CFU 2]
curriculum SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT (curriculum A in English):
Methods for wildlife monitoring [CFU 12]
Remote sensing of environment [CFU 9]
Conservation, restoration and remediation [CFU 6]
Environmental assessment and evaliation [CFU 6]
curriculum TEACHING AND COMMUNICATION (curriculum B in Italian):
Comunicazione e museologia delle scienze naturali [CFU 12]
Ambiente sviluppo e società [CFU 6]
Educazione ambientale e allo sviluppo sostenibile e psicologia ambientale [CFU 6]
Metodologie e tecnologie didattiche per le scienze naturali [CFU 9]
+ FREE CHOICE TEACHINGS, among which (check on the website for new teachings or changes):
. Entomology [CFU 6]
. Agroecology and territorial management [CFU 6]
. Environmental mineralogy [CFU 6]
. European fauna [CFU 6]
Detailed list of teachings and programs here.
“50-hr English” Courses
Students enrolled in the Master’s degree in Environmental Sustainability and Education have the English language B2 productive skills [CFU 2] as MANDATORY in their study plan.
Thus, they must take the “50-hr English” course for the improvement of English language or submit their external English language certificate to verify the minimum required level (B2 productive skills) and to obtain the mandatory CFU. Students with an external language certificate must send the request for recognition by email to the School of Science, in the periods and following the instructions available on the website.