Practical activities
Almost all course units involve an external activity.
As part of the Analysis and Management of the Natural Environment course, external activities include field laboratories, in which students apply what they have learnt in class directly in the visited environment by collecting materials (plants, small animals and rocks), surveying the area or making naturalistic observations.
Furthermore, the program includes practical activities for the processing and interpretation of remote sensing images and data for geological purposes and for evaluating the state of the plant and animal components of ecosystems.
As part of the Nature Education and Training course, external activities include workshops with an educational character, in which students put into practice the concepts of modern museology, popularisation and teaching of natural sciences by addressing a diverse audience. These include informative experiences with radio stations, educational nature events for students in the Department of Biology, and workshops for children and families at the Botanical Garden of the University of Padua.
The timetable for the trips is published in the lesson timetable.