Study plans
All students enrolling in the second year of the Master's Degree must submit an individual study plan. The procedure takes place online, through the UNIWEB platform, according to the rules described below. You can submit your study plan during two time windows in the course of the academic year, lasting approximately one month. The available dates will be made public in advance on the Degree Programme web pages. When filling in the form, students must indicate one or more course units of interest in order to reach a total of at least 12 educational credits to be qualified as “Free Credits”. However, they will not be allowed to exceed the maximum threshold of 18 educational credits.
Students can choose between two modes of completion:
Automatically approved plan:
This will include only the course units contained in the table below. Once confirmed, the plan will be immediately transferred to the online student record book, with no further action required.
Plan “subject to evaluation”:
If course units not included in the table below are entered, the plan will be assessed individually by the CCS Study Plan Committee when the due date for filling in the form has expired. If the plan is approved, it will be immediately transferred to the online student record book, with no further action required. In the event that the Committee identifies any problems, students will be notified with a precise indication of the necessary corrections and will have to reformulate the plan in a short time.
For students who wish to include in their study plan course units other than those listed in the table:
- it is possible to choose any course units offered by the University of Padua, provided that their content is consistent with the training course. In case of doubts, students are kindly requested to get in touch with the contact persons of the Study Plan Committee in advance;
- there may be no overlap in content with the compulsory course units of the Environmental Sustainability and Education Degree Programme;
- students are not allowed to choose course units from Bachelor's Degree programmes, but only from Single-Cycle and Master's Degree programmes.
ALL students wishing to attend course units from other degree programmes MUST however:
- check that the lesson timetable allows them to attend regularly, so that they are able to complete the main courses of the Environmental Sustainability and Education Degree Programme;
- contact the lecturer of the course unit that they intend to attend in advance in order to check the availability of places in both lecture rooms and laboratories.
If you have any doubts or need clarifications, please get in touch with the contact persons of the CCS Study Plan Committee in due time (Prof. Francesca Dalla Vecchia:, Prof. Luca Capraro: and Prof. Eliana Fornaciari:
Watch the webinar on Study Plans for more specific information.